Keepin' Up With the Tidwells

Friday, February 8, 2013

Ryukyu Kings Game

As we're approaching our last 6 months in Okinawa (can I get an AMEN?), so we're making sure we do those last few things our on Okinawa tour list.  Going to a Ryukyu Kings basketball game was on the list.  The Kings are our local professional team and it was so much fun to go and watch them play.  They have some American players on the team, but the league rule is that they have to play 3 Japanese players on the court at all times.  I guess it's equal opportunity.  I can't say it was hard to pick out the American players considering they were literally heads above the others.  The boys loved it (and so did I).  I'm already planning our next game.  Such a fun experience to share with our sweet friends, The Arnetts. 

1 comment:

  1. I definitely want to go to a game! Did you know there the #1 team in Japan!?!
