Keepin' Up With the Tidwells

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Japanese Tea Ceremony

One of the things I'm most grateful for is the cultural experiences the boys get to experience while we're living overseas.  Today, for example, the parents were invited to watch the kindergarten class perform a traditional Japanese Tea Ceremony.  They've been practicing this in their ettiquette class and the kids were excited to show us what they had learned.  It was really a sweet show and I loved the older ladies in traditional kimonos directing the students to make sure they performed the ceremony in the proper way.  Whether it was the specific way they stirred the tea (front and back finishing with one complete circle) or the direction they turned the bowls before presenting it to their guests (two times to the right), all the of motions were deliberate.  There acted as hosts one time and then as guests.  Very impressive to watch a bunch of 5 and 6 year olds do it.....and quietly at that. :)

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