Keepin' Up With the Tidwells

Wednesday, July 1, 2015


It's been way too long since I've posted on our blog and I can only say it's because we've been more than busy.  I have just come up for air!  We've been so busy that I actually opted out of a vacation.  Crazy, I know!  But truthfully, the last 3 weeks have been filled with emotional highs and lows that I couldn't fathom packing a suit case and heading anywhere....even if that anywhere happen to be Key West.  South Florida will be there when we're more rested and ready for a road trip. :)  And to be honest, our "staycation" has been nothing short of pretty awesome!  I think my two sidekicks would agree if they weren't outside having a blast in this summer's heat.   

This post is solely in honor of my kindhearted, generous, over-achieving husband and those that love him.  He just retired from the Marine Corps on June 19th after just shy of 16 years, and he was so honored by all of our family and friends that made the ceremony and reception.   We've been so blessed to always be surrounded by loving people (both family and friends).  Everywhere we've moved, we've carried our old friends' love and encouragement and added new ones to the mix.  What is so wonderful is that this amazing group seems to blend so well.  Our old friends have now gotten to know our new friends and it makes the best extended family we could ever be blessed with.  So I guess really this post is about Fletcher and the people that love him (me included).

Funny enough, everyone that sees Fletcher and hears that he's now retired can't believe he's old enough and/or could have enough years in to possibly make that claim.  Fletcher looks so young....God love him....he has youthful looks.  Not fair, I know!  Trust me, I know!  I'm married to the youngest looking guy on the planet and I'm adding wrinkles and gray hairs by the day.  On a side note, I can explain why my grays are multiplying considering we just found my boys swimming in reclaimed water and had to disinfect them entirely....that was right after we found our youngest on top of our storage shelves in the garage with a bungee cord trying to make his own zip line.  Smart kids with no common sense!  The joys and hazards of being a boymom.  Also, Fletcher took the early retirement which was offered due to the downsizing of the military.  Don't get me started on my opinion as a taxpayer of downsizing our military, but I can tell you as a mom and a spouse, it's a big WIN for my family.  A big lose for America, but that's a whole different post. :) 

A photographer was present at the ceremony and took some really sweet pictures that I wanted to share.  I'm so grateful she was there and did such a great job documenting this day because I was all over the place trying to make sure flowers and cake and all that stuff that doesn't really matter was in place.

To say thank you to those of you that have prayed for my family over the years doesn't seem nearly enough, but I am so thankful.  It's been those prayers that have given me comfort and strength during the times when Fletcher was away and I really just wanted to pack up and go home to Texas.  When I was worried or scared or just plain overwhelmed, it was those prayers that kept me taking one more step.  Our family walks by faith, but we couldn't do it without those prayers.  This is the longest, round-about way of saying thank you to our prayer warriors.

What's next?  We're thrilled to get to stay in Pensacola.  I'm raising beach boys and it suits them well.  The boys love their school and are learning so much about academics and more importantly about God's purpose for their lives.  Right now, they both think it's baseball, but we're hoping that will evolve. Fletcher starts his new job on Monday with a wonderful company called Johnson Controls.  He's excited about the opportunity to learn and serve in a new capacity.  The future is bright!

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