Keepin' Up With the Tidwells

Monday, January 13, 2014

A Sports Jacket & the "F" Word

It's been exciting weekend here!  First, and not, foremost, Bennett's basketball team won their first game of the season.  Let me be clear, not the first game they've played, but the first one they've won this season.  It was a victory for us all if you know my competitive nature.  Not to take anything away from the coaches.....that would be my husband and my friend's husband.....BUT I'd like to chalk this victory up to momma's blocking out demonstration during breakfast.  I feel totally confident that's what made the difference.  Thank you, Coach Cameron, for those drills.  It was not wasted on me. :) 

Saturday afternoon we attended a neighbor's birthday party.  Can I preface this with the fact that the skies opened up that morning and literally dumped rain for hours.  The yards were a muddy mess.  But never fear, the weather did the polar opposite of what it would have done had I been hosting this party, and it cleared up.  Saturday afternoon was a beautiful day in Pace, Florida.  Having said that, the mud was still there.  Fletcher told the boys to wear their keens or old shoes to the party.  Good advice had it been taken.  I'm sitting at the party visiting with other moms when the man behind me laughs out loud and points to the two kids playing football in the mud with their socks on and no shoes.  Now what kind of parent would let that happen?!  Aunt Golda loves to point out things my boys do that are "signs of intelligence" and I'm hear to tell you, Saturday they were showing very few of these signs.  Can I get an AMEN for Clorox!  Bleach was made for mothers of boys.

Sunday Bennett was baptized which is obviously the more exciting portion of our weekend.  It was a wonderful day for our family and we could not be prouder of our little man.  And a little man he is!  I notice it every day as he dresses himself and comes out of his room with the same outfit his dad would wear:  khakis and boat shoes with his hair parted on the side.  As we were walking into school this morning I had Beau on one side and Bennett on the other.  We're chatting away getting in our last bits before the kids walk into their classrooms.  Bennett reminded me that he really wants a sports jacket.  Again, a little man.  And Beau agrees that sports jackets would be nice and adds in that he's going to refuse to sit next to Carissa in class because she "farts" all day long and he's sick of it.  Wait, what?  How did we transition from sports jackets to that in about 2 seconds and can we please not say the "F" word?  I whispered that plea as we made our way to class.  When I picked him up early for his dentist appointment today, he handed me his jacket and announced in front of the receptionist that he'll stop using the "F" word.  Goodness Gracious!  I wanted to tell her it's not that "F"'s really more of a lowercase "f" in this case.  Walking to the car I had to laugh and I just kept hearing what my father in-law always says, God sure does have a sense of humor! 

I've decided I need a shirt that reads:  HUMBLED by Beau

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