Well, as you can see from the picture, we are, obviously, the meanest parents on the planet. Let's start with stating that neither boy suffered from soap poisoning as a result of a little disciplinary action. And here's how it all went down. About a week ago on a Monday morning, as we were pulling into the school parking lot for drop off, Bennett decided to drop a bomb. He said in the most casual voice, "Chandler said *%! is a bad word, but how could *%! be bad? I mean, what does *%! even mean?"....I'm not going to say the word that he said (3 times in a matter of 0.5 seconds), but let me just state that my body literally flinched when it came out.
Please note, we drive 25 minutes to school. We had approximately 23 minutes to properly discuss had Bennett chosen to bring this up earlier, but since we were then pulling into the parking lot, I was a little pressed for time. I quickly explained how that was an ugly, ugly word. We don't use that word in our home. It's not honoring to God, and the list of reasons went on and on at a rapid pace. However, in my heart of hearts, I knew right then the damage was done......Beau, the exhibitionist little brother, had heard the word. It was only a matter of time before the next bomb would be dropped. I could only pray that it wouldn't be 1) in the classroom of his precious, little Christian school, 2) shouted out in front of our pastor, and/or 3) at the baseball field as he crossed home plate. I say this only because I know this child well. Putting on a show is his gig and he loves a good reaction. I know he saw the shock in my eyes when that word first rolled off his big bro's tongue, so it's not likely he was going to waste that one on just any crowd. Goodness!
SO yesterday Bennett runs in and shouts at the top of his lungs "MMMMOOOOOMMMMM, Beau just said *%! again!". Can my people PLEASE stop saying that word? It's burning my ears! Fletcher sat them both in chairs, put a fresh bar of dial soap in each of their mouths, and taught them a new word: con·nois·seur His projection is that we are going to have two soap connoisseurs in our house if they keep repeating what lofty, little Chandler is telling them. I mention Chandler for a few reasons. First, I don't know this child and couldn't pick him out of a crowd. His mom, whom I do not know, and I are not facebook friends or instagram mates or anything else, therefore, this isn't a passive-aggressive approach to get someone to reign in their child. And second, I was fully prepared to throw Chandler under the bus if I got a phone call from the school regarding this word coming out of a Tidwell boy's mouth. I'm not fronting....I've got no loyalty to Chandler. :) I will forgive, unless he follows up with the definition of the word at which point I really will tackle him.
Keepin' Up With the Tidwells
Friday, March 21, 2014
Thursday, March 6, 2014
My Little Characters!
I'm not sure where to begin. I've been meaning to sit down at the computer and jot down a few things that have been going on around here.....but those "few things" have literally kept me running to and fro so much that I just haven't had a second. First off, we're in baseball season! When I say "in" I mean in it up to our throats and loving every second. I have already lost my mind and all that goes with that cheering on my two favorite boys. Somebody please create a pill for all of us overly competitive, super intense, slightly out-of-control, helicopter moms. Step one is recognizing the problem, right? Now get me some meds for it!:) All that aside, the boys are loving every minute of it and making great friends along the way. When we haven't been at the ball field (which is not much), the boys are totally emerged in their alter-egos. Some days that would be the Lone Ranger and his lofty sidekick, Tonto. Some days it is Matt Dillon and Chester from Gunsmoke. And since our recent visit to Nashville where the boys' favorite pastime is watching Three Amigos with their Pops, they now hop into the rolls of Lucky Day and Dusty Bottoms. It's a never-ending cycle and I'm just along for the ride sneaking pics for proof of all I endured. Regardless of the starring role, a gun, a horse, and lots of shouting is involved. I find myself dodging cowboys left and right just walking from my bedroom to the kitchen. I thought last night when the boys finally crashed and the house was quiet, I much prefer little cowboys shooting guns in the air and steering their horses wildly around than quiet any day of the week. These are the days! I'm posting some pics to show our ongoing theme here. There's a picture of Beau on the pitcher's mound taken right before he shouted to me in the stands that he's "WEALLY, WEALLY HUNGRY!" and pointed to the concession stand. Nice timing! And a picture of the boys crashed out in the car after a day of running around in Nashville. This is how it happens. We go and go and then.....out! I call that kind of napping MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! Love, love, love my two jokers!
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