Keepin' Up With the Tidwells
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
7 is Heaven!!!
I'm a day late (and a dollar short, I guess) with this post, but in my defense we are in the middle of Christmas! Excused tardy....I just excused myself. :) Our precious Bennett turned 7 yesterday and I'm in absolute shock that this child can be this old. He has a sweet, toothless smile that gets me every time he grins. It's short-lived, but I love seeing it. Bennett is our rule-follower. He's my sensitive, pleaser eager to help. He loves school and hops out of bed every morning ready to go and learn. I love watching him play and listen to the dialogue that goes along with whatever scenario he's created. Bennett can dominate on the soccer field and his competitiveness is something passed down from his momma. His daddy is competitive too, but he's more diplomatic about it. I'm a terrible soccer mom....but don't mistake that for an apology. :) The joy Bennett brings to our home is beyond what I'm capable of sharing with words. I love that he loves to be apart of things. He wants to be in the middle of the action, not watching on the sidelines. He's already told us he wants to be a doctor and work with cancer patients. Big dreams for our little boy. Bennett, we can't wait to experience this next year with you. May the Lord bless you and continue to guide your heart. We love you, sweet boy!
Friday, December 13, 2013
A friend and I had planned to run up to Mobile this week to squeeze in some Christmas shopping. Mobile offers more store options compared to our little Pensacola area. I tell Fletcher Okinawa scored a 1 on a scale of 1 to 10 in shopping grades and he moved me to Pensacola and bumped us to a whopping 2.5 (the .5 added solely because of the Target). Can a girl get an Anthropologie or even a Gap? For crying out loud! But back to my I walked Beau into his classroom on Wednesday, I mentioned that I was heading to Mobile to do some shopping and asked if he needed anything. He responds (with his teacher standing next to me) that he would like a warm hat to wear since it's gotten "so" cold. I can do that. Granted we've lived in a tropical climate the last 3 years, so 55 degrees outside does feel pretty chilly. Then he preceded to tell me not to get it from the Lost and Found, but he wants it bought from a store. Can I just start with a disclaimer that I have never walked into the lost & found at his school (or any other place for that matter) and taken an article of clothing for either of my boys. Why on earth would that come out of his mouth? And while we're at it, why does there have to be an audience when comments like this are made? I felt the need to plead my case to Mrs. Kelley in my defense. In the one in a trillion chance that she happens to ever come across our blog....Mrs. Kelley, I promise I buy my children's clothing and accessories at a store. And I have never raided the school lost & found....however, that may not be such a bad idea for future reference. :) Here's Beau looking too-cute-for-words in his new hat. He has since upped his request to a warm hat with a ball on the top. For that I may go to the lost & found.
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Tis the Season....
It's only fitting that this is the season for birthdays, right? I try to tell the boys how special they should feel getting to celebrate their birthdays so closely to THE birthday of all birthdays, our Jesus! We had big Beau's last week, a combined party for the boys this past weekend, we'll celebrate Bennett's at school this week, then at home on his actual birthday. AND THEN, we'll celebrate Jesus' birthday. And I love birthdays. Everyone's, not just mine. I want it to be the best one yet...every time. So, needless to say, I was thrilled the party went well and the boys were both smiling at the end of the day. I was exhausted, but considering this was the lowest maintenance party I have ever organized, we can chop my exhaustion up to the sheer panic I create in my constant pursuit of perfection (even regarding a 5 and 7 year old joint birthday party). I'm sure they have medication for people like myself, but I'm convinced I can just sweat it out at the gym or pray it off. I'm a work in progress. In the midst of this chaos I like to call my life, I get little gems along the way. They're actually rather large gems I hold so close to my heart since I fear they are coming and going way too fast for me. Bennett left the sweetest little note out yesterday and I immediately knew that I will look at in the years to come and remember my precious almost 7 year old with his two front teeth missing and want nothing more than to be standing in a messy kitchen with legos on the ground knowing he's sound asleep, happy and healthy, in the room next to me. Blessed, I am.
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
The BIG 5!
Our precious Beau-handsome, Beau-Beau, Beauregard, Beau-sky.....He's 5 today! How can that be?! I was thinking last night what joy and laughter this child has brought into our home. He is the best combination of sweetness and mischief. And not just any mischief, but smart mischief (if those two words can actually be used together). This is the child that pooped under my bed, peed in the bobbing-for-apples bucket, put his brother's toothbrush in the potty, hid my wedding ring.....the list goes on and on. And while some of those moments (let's be honest....ALL of those moments) brought frustration, they have, in the end, also brought much laughter as well.
While he's just turning 5, I can see one of his best character traits is he is a loyal companion always sticking to his big brother stride for stride and standing up for him when someone is treating him unfairly. Our Beau is strong-willed. I've learned not to spend my money on books giving advice on parenting because they never seem to include a chapter on the child that is "stronger-willed" than most. Again, while this sometimes brings frustration, I know it is a quality that will make him successful as an adult. AND I know exactly where he gets this. It has Vandygriff written all over it! I love that I can look at Beau and see my daddy's eyes and when he smiles, I see my husband as a child. And he takes after his papa in his love for music. Our Beau will sing "Rocky Top" and "Battle of New Orleans" upon request, and if you've seen my Facebook post, you know he's a low-maintenance performer (no mic necessary). He's imperfectly perfect and wonderfully made. He has traveled the world in his short time, and of all the places he's visited, he says he's going to live in Texas and be a cowboy. Did I mention my baby is smart?!
My prayer for our sweet Beau on his special day is that as he grows, he seeks God's purpose for his life. I pray that he have a servant's heart and that he'll always feel the love that surrounds him. I'm blessed I get to raise him. I get to hold those chubby little fingers each morning walking into school. I get snotty kisses and a visitor crawling into my bed at night. I get mud on my carpet and crumbs in my chairs. I get to be Beau's momma! Happy 5th Birthday to our sweet Beau!
While he's just turning 5, I can see one of his best character traits is he is a loyal companion always sticking to his big brother stride for stride and standing up for him when someone is treating him unfairly. Our Beau is strong-willed. I've learned not to spend my money on books giving advice on parenting because they never seem to include a chapter on the child that is "stronger-willed" than most. Again, while this sometimes brings frustration, I know it is a quality that will make him successful as an adult. AND I know exactly where he gets this. It has Vandygriff written all over it! I love that I can look at Beau and see my daddy's eyes and when he smiles, I see my husband as a child. And he takes after his papa in his love for music. Our Beau will sing "Rocky Top" and "Battle of New Orleans" upon request, and if you've seen my Facebook post, you know he's a low-maintenance performer (no mic necessary). He's imperfectly perfect and wonderfully made. He has traveled the world in his short time, and of all the places he's visited, he says he's going to live in Texas and be a cowboy. Did I mention my baby is smart?!
My prayer for our sweet Beau on his special day is that as he grows, he seeks God's purpose for his life. I pray that he have a servant's heart and that he'll always feel the love that surrounds him. I'm blessed I get to raise him. I get to hold those chubby little fingers each morning walking into school. I get snotty kisses and a visitor crawling into my bed at night. I get mud on my carpet and crumbs in my chairs. I get to be Beau's momma! Happy 5th Birthday to our sweet Beau!
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Happy 238th, USMC!
Yep, it's that time of year again.....ball time! It's so funny that each year as the Marine Corps Ball rolls around, I dread the whole getting ready process and planning out what to wear. Funny should I say that because I generally just repeat a blast from the past dress, so that would make for no planning involved. It rarely matters considering we move locations every 3 or so years, so the only ones having seen the dress are facebook friends and I'm sure they have more to do than keep up with what dress I wore to the last ball. Having said all that, Fletcher and I enjoyed our night out. It's always fun to celebrate the United States Marine Corps and we're especially proud of our very own.
One might think that was actually the most eventful part of the night (the celebrating part), however, that's not how things go down in our house. When got back home from our evening out, our sweet, sweet sitter (on a side note, maybe too sweet for our boys because I'm always worried one might shock her with something that comes out of their mouths), informed us that Beau hadn't eaten anything for dinner. I was a little surprised since he generally doesn't refuse pizza, but thought maybe he had gotten into snacks beforehand. After she left, I went into check on him and realized he had forgotten to put on his pull-up before bed. Major party foul. We have a house of deep sleepers. I have literally slept through a hailstorm that broke out a window in my room, so I proudly can claim, I have passed that genetically superior quality onto my precious offspring. Needless to say, he had wet his bed. At this point I decided Cinderella had already turned into a pumpkin, the heels were off, but I wasn't about to go to changing beds at 11:00 pm. I took him to my bed and called it a night......
All is well until about 4:30 am when Beau starts the pre-gagging which is always followed by you know what. What is noteworthy here (and I must say pretty impressive) was our immediate "spring into action" response. I jump at least a foot straight up in the air pitching Beau to Fletcher while simultaneously yanking our Ralph Lauren comforter to the other side all in an effort to escape a trip to the dry cleaners the next day. I don't know if this is a positive, but if I'm being honest, that's the first thing that ran through my mind head. Not my poor child about to puke, but that darn comforter and the arm and a leg I just paid a month ago to have it cleaned. Even more so, when we layed back down, I thought to myself "catlike reflexes....I've still got it..."not a drop on that paisley comforter. Can I just mentioned that no one was harmed in any of these events. :)
Disregard that my boys are covered in peanut butter and dirt. I would pretend that it's not the norm, but then again, that would only be pretending. :)
One might think that was actually the most eventful part of the night (the celebrating part), however, that's not how things go down in our house. When got back home from our evening out, our sweet, sweet sitter (on a side note, maybe too sweet for our boys because I'm always worried one might shock her with something that comes out of their mouths), informed us that Beau hadn't eaten anything for dinner. I was a little surprised since he generally doesn't refuse pizza, but thought maybe he had gotten into snacks beforehand. After she left, I went into check on him and realized he had forgotten to put on his pull-up before bed. Major party foul. We have a house of deep sleepers. I have literally slept through a hailstorm that broke out a window in my room, so I proudly can claim, I have passed that genetically superior quality onto my precious offspring. Needless to say, he had wet his bed. At this point I decided Cinderella had already turned into a pumpkin, the heels were off, but I wasn't about to go to changing beds at 11:00 pm. I took him to my bed and called it a night......
All is well until about 4:30 am when Beau starts the pre-gagging which is always followed by you know what. What is noteworthy here (and I must say pretty impressive) was our immediate "spring into action" response. I jump at least a foot straight up in the air pitching Beau to Fletcher while simultaneously yanking our Ralph Lauren comforter to the other side all in an effort to escape a trip to the dry cleaners the next day. I don't know if this is a positive, but if I'm being honest, that's the first thing that ran through my mind head. Not my poor child about to puke, but that darn comforter and the arm and a leg I just paid a month ago to have it cleaned. Even more so, when we layed back down, I thought to myself "catlike reflexes....I've still got it..."not a drop on that paisley comforter. Can I just mentioned that no one was harmed in any of these events. :)
Disregard that my boys are covered in peanut butter and dirt. I would pretend that it's not the norm, but then again, that would only be pretending. :)
Friday, November 1, 2013
Annual Pumpkin Carving
I say "annual" for two reasons: 1) we do actually carve pumpkins every year.....just not in the same location, and 2) the party we attended is, in fact, an annual pumpkin carving event. Hopefully, we'll get to attend next year in spite of Beau's attempt to push Maci off the ladder. Such sweet friends and fun activities. The kids loved having Fletcher help them. Who am I kidding? I carved one of those too!:) This weekend, full of my favorite autumn activities is high ranking on my list of fun things to do.
The Pumpkin Patch 2013
Finally! That's all I can say.....finally after 3 years we get to go to the pumpkin patch. I'm not sure why this excites me, but it has since Bennett was a little one. I'm not sure when this became the craze, but it certainly wasn't in Bonham, Texas. I'm making up for lost time. I love taking the kids to the pumpkin patch every fall and this year didn't disappoint. We were joined by our sweet friends, The Millers and The Thompsons which only added to the fun. What a dream world for kids with all the fun activities! The boys road horses, ziplined, played in the corn box, and went on a hayride. Not sure how we could top that morning....until we went to the birthday party above all others (that's not a blog appropriate story, but ask me in person). Needless to say, I snapped pics and wanted to share.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Columbus Weekend with Friends
I have to say this time of year in the Florida panhandle brings just about perfect weather. It's still great for hitting the beach, but it's not scorching hot. We spent all weekend enjoying fun in the sun. The Husband crew had come down to Orange Beach for Columbus weekend, so we couldn't wait to hang with them. The boys loved playing with Kate, Hallie, and William. Sunday we rented out a pontoon boat from NAS Pensacola and headed out to explore. There were 4 families total with 10 kids between us. It was a blast aside from all the jellyfish in the water. Luckily, there was plenty to do besides swim. The Husbands headed back to Nashville and we jumped back into another week of school, but it's always great to get to spend time with old friends.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Labor Day at Lake Tuscaloosa
We got to spend our Labor Day with some of our dearest friends at Lake Tuscaloosa. It was the perfect end to our summer getting to watch the kids all play and tube while lounging in the lake drink in hand. I think Jackson said it best when he said "I sure hope Heaven is a lot like this!" Me too, Jackson! Easy, laid-back weekend catching up with old is good!
Grammy & Papa Come to Florida!
Well, we got a mattress literally the day Grammy and Papa flew into town, so just in the knick of time. We were thrilled to get to show them around our new neighborhood. Grammy and Papa brought their golf clubs, so they filled their mornings with rounds of least Papa did. Grammy only played once, but it's pretty convenient to walk down the street for morning golf. They got to see Beau's first soccer game and a quarter of Bennett's before the weather postponed it. We managed to squeeze in a few touristy things like the Aviation Museum and a Wahoo baseball game. Lucky for us, it was a firework night at the game which made up for our rainy 4th of July. We loved getting to show Grammy and Papa around and look forward to their next visit.
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